Fernando Jorge Palácios Perez Crêspo
Teacher Educator for Art – Higher School of Education for Art, 1980. The Laban Center Certificate University of London, Goldsmiths’ College. London, 1986. Master of Arts in Dance Studies - Laban Center for Movement and Dance, London, 1989. Doctorate in Fine Arts, specialization in Public Art, from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, 2016.
Teaching experience: Helen Keller Children's Center, University of Aveiro, IPPorto - ESM,U. Algarve ESE, IPL- ESTC, Comuna.
Creator and coordinator of the Project – Dança: Ver e Fazer. CML/ESD 1999/2000 and 2000/2001; Collaborator at the High School Department / Artistic Education Center (DES/NEA), 1996 - 2004; Coordination of the Pedagogical Experience Monitoring Council; Representative of the Ministry of Education on the Specialized Technical Commission for Performing Arts; DGArtes Jury, support for Dance, 2010; Dean of ESD, 2004-2013; Currently, President of the Technical-Scientific Council of ESD.
Interactive installation: “Luz Ação Som”, 2013; “Dança: transformação do corpo”, 2014 (com Lydia Fettweis Neto). Performance Art: “N 38° 42.7224’ / W 009° 8.442’ – pausa”; “Ocupação” 2014.
Articles in books: "Ser artista em Portugal" (2000). Centro Nacional de Cultura; O chiado da dramaturgia e da performance (2014). CIEBA-FBAUL.