[The Bachelor’s Degree in Dance was accredited by A3ES, according to the evaluation report published on March 1, 2018]
The Bachelor’s Degree in Dance offers training focused on artistic practice and experience, with a view to developing students' technical, artistic, creative and performance capabilities, with the purpose of leading them to individual autonomy and the ability to work as a team.
It also aims to stimulate reflection and contextualization of artistic practices, based on the development of pedagogical sensitivity and the ability to act artistically in the community.
Therefore, the course objectives are:
- Training dance performers/creators, with the theoretical, practical and technical skills that are required by the contemporary artistic and professional fabric – creativity, autonomy, and capacity for analysis, research and groundwork.
- Developing the pedagogical and methodological skills necessary to create artistic awareness projects with non-professional communities, youth audiences and in a school environment.
Course organization
The course is organized into 6 blocks of regular classes and 6 cycles of performance presentations.
In each block, for 5 consecutive weeks, students acquire knowledge in the scientific areas of Analysis and Context and Interpretation/Creation. During this period, students will also have the opportunity to work with various artists and show business professionals through workshops and masterclasses.
In the scientific area of Analysis and Context, theoretical and theoretical-practical studies are developed, which include subjects such as dance appreciation, history and dance studies, movement analysis and the use of movement vocabularies, studies and analysis of music, anatomy, physiology and kinesiology, dance methodologies and pedagogy, dance anthropology, among others.
The scientific area of Interpretation/Creation focuses on theoretical-practical and laboratory studies that include dance and movement techniques, the study and practice of repertoire, movement studies, improvisation, interpretation and choreographic composition.
In the cycle weeks, which follow each block, students present, within the scope of the scientific area of Project, the creation and interpretation of choreographic works developed independently or by teachers and/or choreographers. Performances take place, essentially, in theaters and auditoriums across the country.
In the scientific Project area, the school promotes the undertaking and/or presentation of interpretation projects and interaction with the professional artistic environment (companies, artistic structures and cultural equipment) and with the community. The aim is also to develop the necessary skills to increase artistic awareness projects in non-professional contexts (youth programmes, educational environments, or others), as well as to approach subjects complementary to the area of interpretation/creation, namely: theater, voice, costumes, makeup and characterization, scenic space and performance and strategic production.
Candidate profile
The Degree in Dance is aimed at everyone who wishes to develop skills, particularly, in terms of creation and interpretation. Those in the 12th year of school, those over 23 years of age, or holders of higher education courses or wishing to transfer in from another higher education partner/institution, may enroll in the Degree in Dance, following an audition as a prerequisite for entry.
The application to the Degree in Dance is carried out through a local access contest and not through the national access contest.
In addition to the local access contest, there is also the possibility of entry through special contests and transfer of institution/course pair and re-entry.
Certified training accreditation or professional experience
Accreditation, including the administrative act that results from it, is the process by which relevant skills whose acquisition was demonstrated by the applicant are validated and measured and are translated into a determined number of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits.
The student can request accreditation for Certified Training and Professional Experience.
The student may request Worker-Student status and, provided the agreement “Pedagogical Contract — Worker-Student” is established, guarantee the ability to meet the objectives of the curricular unit and the maintain possibility of evaluation.