Madalena Xavier Santos Rodrigues da Silva
2017 – PhD in Human Motricity, specialization in Dance, from the Faculty of Human Motricity (UL)
2010 - Master's Degree in Communication Sciences – Contemporary Culture and New Technologies
2003/4 - Restart Professional Audiovisual Training Course
2002 - Degree from ESD – Performance Branch
1997 – Professional Dancers Course at the National Conservatory Dance School
Since 2003, Rodrigues da Silva has been a professor at ESD, teaching in the Undergraduate Course in Dance, the Master's in Contemporary Choreographic Creation and collaborating with the Master's in Dance Teaching.
Between 2000 and 2005 – she was a performer in the projects Antídoto and Sopro – choreography by Rui Lopes Graça for Companhia RLG, Sarva Mangalam, and Cidade Nua – choreography by Ana Rita Barata for Associação Vo’Arte, The Future of Work – by Frédéric Flamand – Charlerois Dances.
2013 - Co-author of the article entitled “Criação Coreográfica Contemporânea – Percursos no singular”, in the Journal Revista de Investigação e Ensino das Artes; co-author of the article entitled "Criatividade em Dança - Conceções, Métodos e Processos de Composição Coreográfica no Ensino da Dança ", in Revista Portuguesa de Educação Artística, issue nbr 3.
ESD Qualquer um (2007); A possibilidade de (2009); Entro, atravesso, percorro, meço (2011) and Quantos podemos ser (2013)
2013 - Choreographed the video clip 7/4 for Memória de Peixe – directed by Miguel Nicolau and Tiago Martins
2006 - Choreographed the video clip Our Heart Will Beat As One by David Fonseca – directed by Pedro Cláudio
Creation and interpretation: The end and then, co-creation with Lígia Soares (2004); Estar de fora para ver (2004); Super-Heróis, co-created with Joana Brandão.